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Halo key resources and links

Halo key resources and links

Advertiser North Star

We have identified prioritised, buy-side needs from cross-media measurement. These needs are balanced by critical, advertiser supported, industry requirements. This set of needs should form the basis for the design and implementation of ideal solutions.

Halo North Star Framework

In summary, we think that cross-media measurement solutions should be:

  • Consistent and continous: solutions designed as 'always-on' data collection (not tag-based)
  • Full-lifecycle: covering multiple campaign management use-cases, including planning, optimization and post-campaign reporting
  • Comprehensive: covering all channels and formats with accuracy and scale (measuring all impressions, not just a sub-set)
  • Full-funnel approach: measuring reach and frequency as a priority, but also other, more advanced measurements (i.e. outcomes, not just outputs)
  • Fair & objective: metrics should employ qualifiers, such as viewability and direction, and solutions should be thorougly audited
  • Private: solutions should be highly privacy-preserving and should be invase techniques, such as finger-printing
  • Trusted & transparent: solutions should be industry-owned, employ representative panels and be comprehensively audited